Adrian Barcenas - @letras_literarias_mx

“Hi! I'm Adrian and I'm a teacher at an elementary school. My experience with the bullet journal is awesome cause every month I work with my students the monthly log and we register every important date to my class, exams, exposition, day off and so on in their notebook and that is part of their score.”

Esther Yeoh - @esthertiq

“I have bullet journaled for 2-3 years as a student and it has changed my life.  I used a weekly spread to fit everything inside - things to do, people to meet, quotes to live by and trackers at the side. I realized that as a student and with a horribly short attention span as I did, I couldn't do monthly trackers so I broke them down into more bite-sized weekly trackers.”


Hayle Remde - @hayleyremdeart

“I first started bullet journaling to help me organise my university studies. I could never stick to a regular planner, and I was repeatedly getting behind on assignments and forgetting meetings and appointments. The flexibility of bullet journaling and the ability to have dedicated spreads to ‘Deadlines’, alongside the staple spreads such a future and monthly logs, really saved my degree!”

Sibilla Pollini - @sibillapollini

“Bullet Journaling has also really helped me express my creativity and at the same time taking some moments out of my day to be aware of myself and also write my feelings down.

In school it has also really helped me to make studying a fun and productive activity, by organizing everything on my bullet journal and studying with the same style.”

Audrey Yong - @dulcetbujo

“Bujo has affected my personal and academic life so much, enabling me to be more organized especially when juggling 4-5 projects in school.”

Mandy Mair - @productivedoodling

“I have always been obsessed with journals and stationery. This is why I fell in love with bullet journaling at first sight. It is the perfect balance of planning and being creative that allows me to be productive while doodling and reflecting on my daily life!”

Ingrid Holthe - @viking.bulletjournaling

“My bullet journal has helped me keep organized, from keeping track of important info, due dates, my schedule to what books I need and where I can get them for the lowest price. Most importantly, bujo has helped me to get clarity when my mind is full of thoughts, everything I have to do, should do and want to do.”

Janelle Ready

“I used my Bullet Journal for reflection and preparation, both as a student and as a teacher. It has helped me mentally and vocationally. I am a stronger, more creative, and more reflective person because of my Bullet Journal.”


Caitlin Dasilva -@caitlinmariedasilva