One of the things I love the most about watching the Bullet Journal system evolve, is how diverse and inventive the interpretations are. Recently however, I’ve been getting a lot of email asking me which is the correct way to Bullet Journal. It begs a different, more fundamental question: is there a wrong way to Bullet Journal? The short answer is: yes.

If you spend any amount of time searching the web for “Bulletjournal” the results vary intensely. I choose to keep my Bullet Journal very minimal. Others choose to make their books significantly more exciting. So which one is “correct”? The Bullet Journal is one of MANY tools out there to help you get organized. However, organization should only be a means to an end. How to get organized is not nearly as important as why to get organized. Once you clarify your goals, it’s easier to equip yourself with the proper tools for the job.

I think that part of the Bullet Journals success stems from its ability to become different tools to different people. Though I advise starting out simple, if spending the time to embellish your Bullet Journal motivates you and brings you joy, then you’re doing it right. If you look forward to coming back to your book and feel like it’s your ally, then you’re doing it right. Don’t be intimidated by what you see out there. It’s less about how your book looks, and more about how it makes you feel. The longer you use it, the more helpful it should become. If that’s not the case, then it’s time to ask yourself why. But don’t despair- there are so many flavors out there to explore- experiment, find what works for you, then you’re Bullet Journaling the right way.


Image by: Dmitrii Vaccinium


Tasks, Work vs Home, and Hoarding Pages

Welcome to our second installment of “Ask The Bullet Journalist,” where I will be answering your most asked questions. Take a look and let me know what you think. Most importantly, leave new questions for the next episode!


In this episode we cover:

1. The relationship between the Monthly Log’s task page and the daily log.
2. Work vs person Bullet Journals.
3. On hoarding pages.


About the Author:

Ryder Carroll is the creator of the Bullet Journal. He's a Brooklyn-based digital product designer and art director.